Students who participate in the Gallery Experience for Enrichment will become museum curators of their own learning, artwork, and musical compositions.
Students will learn how the Earth’s position in the universe and interaction with the sun, moon, and other planets produces light, darkness, shadows, and shades of color. Then, they will apply this knowledge by producing pencil sketches showing light and shadows and color pencil art using shading.
Next, students will learn about personification and how personification is not only a literary technique, but an artistic one as well. First, students will learn what personification is and how it is used in writing. Then, students will learn how personification is conveyed in artistic works. They will begin their study of personification in the arts by examining the psychology of color and how color is used to convey emotion in visual art. Next, they will learn various ways that artists can draw pictures to imply personification.
After examining how personification is used in the visual arts, students will learn how personification is communicated in musical compositions as they explore the ways that musical elements come together to create emotions and a sense of action. They will conclude their investigation by listening to music by a real composer who used personification in his musical composition.
After the investigation process, students will begin the creation process. First, the students will form an idea for a colored pencil artwork that uses light, shadow, shading, and personification. They will be given the opportunity to see a variety of real artists work to spark their own ideas, but cannot copy the artists' ideas. After they have formed their idea for their art work, students will think about the combinations of musical elements that could best be used to communicate the same idea of personification in their art work.
Students will then be broken up into two groups. One group will create their art work and one group will create their musical combination. Then the groups switch. By the end of the fourth week of the Gallery Experience, students will have a piece of art and a musical composition that they will get to place in the Virtual Art Gallery.
Before students display their work in the Virtual Art Gallery, they will title their artwork and their musical composition. Then, they will write a synopsis explaining their art and defend how their art and music show personification. To do this, students will explain what the art personifies and provide evidence that their art shows personification, using what they have learned about artistic personification, throughout their weeks in Enrichment.
Students will debut their original work by creating their own exhibit room in the Cahaba Elementary School Virtual Art Gallery. To do this, students will upload their art, music, and synopsis into their exhibit room in the Virtual Gallery. After they debut their exhibit, students will tour the other rooms in the gallery to see art work, listen to music, and read the synopsis of other students who participated in the Gallery Enrichment Experience. |
Your Virtual Gallery Enrichment Experience is only 5 weeks and it requires dedication and hard work. If you get off topic in group discussions or play around during the creation process, you will not finish before the last Enrichment Day and you will have nothing to debut in the gallery. Remember, stay on topic, stay on task, and follow directions. If you can do this, you will have a great time in the Gallery Experience during Enrichment Time.
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