Catastrophic Events
The following websites are resources that I use in making the activities and writing the content for my class. I welcome any teacher who finds themselves on my site to explore these resources. Some of these are paid sites but most are completely free. If you find that one of the links does not work, feel free to contact me and I will take it down. If you know of some excellent resources that I should add to my collection, please contact me about those as well. I hope this compilation helps you create fun and innovative lessons! Enjoy!
Events Before 1870
Cherry Mine Disaster of 1909
The Big Burn of 1910
The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire of 1911
The Sinking of the Titanic 1912
The Spanish Influenza Pandemic of 1918
Events from 1920 - 1939
The Tri-State Tornado of 1925
The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927
The Dust Bowl of the 1930s
The Hurricane of 1938
Events from 1940 - 1959
Events from 1960 - 1979
Events from 1980 - 1999
Oklahoma City Bombing 1995
Columbine High School Shootings 1999
Events from 2000 - Present
Hurricane Katrina
Hurricane Sandy
Catastrophic Events Over Long Periods of History
Tuberculosis Outbreaks 1800 - 1922
Yellow Fever Outbreaks 1783 - 1905
Polio Epidemics 1916 - 1952
Lists of U.S. Disasters