In this unit you will get an overview of basic geography, government, and economics. This knowledge will help you have a better understanding of the topics we discuss in class.
Your mission by the end of this unit is:
- I can define geography, explain why it is important to understand geography, and identify major locations and geographic features on a map.
- I can describe how the American governmental system works and summarize the major points in the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
- I can define the word, "economy" and explain a few basic principles involved in American economics.
You will accomplish your mission by successfully completing lesson challenges. Each challenge you complete will get you one step closer to accomplishing your mission.
Your Lesson challenges are:
- Lesson 1: I can define the word geography and list the reasons it important to study geography.
- Lesson 2: I can read a map, identify the different types of maps, and find latitude and longitude.
- Lesson 3: I can locate the 7 continents and 5 major oceans of the world and identify regions by location and biome.
- Lesson 4: I can identify 2 major nations on each continent and all 50 U.S. States.
- Lesson 5:
- Lesson 6:
- Lesson 7:
- Lesson 8: