LESSON 4: The Online Classroom


- I can navigate the classroom website.
- I can explain the structure of online lessons in social studies.
- I can describe what is expected of me in each lesson.
Goal 1: By the unit test you should be able to define the following words:
Goal 2: By the unit test you should be able to describe or explain the following things:
Goal 3: By the unit test you should be able to evaluate the following things:
- D
Goal 3: By the unit test you should be able to evaluate the following things:
- Why it is important to study the
- How the events, issues, and outcomes of World War II effect us today.
Lesson 1: 6th Grade Bootcamp
Lesson 2: Oh The Places You’ll Go!
Lesson 3: Organizing Yourself for Success
Lesson 4: The Online Classroom
Lesson 5: The Syllabus
Lesson 6: Unit 1 Review
Unit 1 Assessment
Lesson 2: Oh The Places You’ll Go!
Lesson 3: Organizing Yourself for Success
Lesson 4: The Online Classroom
Lesson 5: The Syllabus
Lesson 6: Unit 1 Review
Unit 1 Assessment
Social Studies is the study of "social" - the study of people - their affect on the world and the world's affect on people. There is one sure fire way to understand history. It is through the music of the time in which you are studying. Music is a culture's way of expressing their thoughts and feeling about what is going on around them. Though history, many musicians have expressed their opinions about the issues and events in the period in which they lived. In this class, you will learn how each time period in American History from the Industrial Age to today expressed their thoughts and feelings about what was happening in their era.

Music is a part of history known as popular culture. Many of you know this as "pop culture".
WHAT IS IT?Pop culture is entertainment, music and sports.
Popular culture is distributed across many forms of mass communication including newspapers, magazines, radio, television, movies, music, books and cheap novels, comics and cartoons, and advertising. It contrasts with high cultural art forms, such as opera, classical music and artworks, traditional theater and literature.
In mass communication, the term popular culture refers to messages that make limited intellectual and aesthetic demands through content that is designed to amuse and entertain audiences.
WHAT IS IT?Pop culture is entertainment, music and sports.
Popular culture is distributed across many forms of mass communication including newspapers, magazines, radio, television, movies, music, books and cheap novels, comics and cartoons, and advertising. It contrasts with high cultural art forms, such as opera, classical music and artworks, traditional theater and literature.
In mass communication, the term popular culture refers to messages that make limited intellectual and aesthetic demands through content that is designed to amuse and entertain audiences.
- aesthetic refers to the appreciation of beauty and good taste.
In your groups, follow the instructions below to complete today's portfolio activity.
- Create today's portfolio page in your portfolio.
- List this activity in your table of contents.
- Look at the icons below.
- Each group will investigate the videos linked to each icon below. Each icon has a video of one of the types of Big Band Music that developed during the late 1930s to the early 1950s. Use the reading above to identify which type of Big Band Music is represented by each icon.
- After your group comes to a conclusion, write your answer in today's portfolio entry in PQA format.
- Use the Race method to write and support your answer with facts from the reading.
Now you will compare and contrast the music of the late 1930s to the early 1950s.
Now, own your own, think about all that you learned about jazz music in the 1920s and 1930s today. Write a summary paragraph describing what you learned about Jazz music today. Remember how to set up a summary paragraph. You can use the Burrito Method graphic organizer on the important information wall or under the resources tab at the top of the page to help you. You can go straight to the Burrito Method Organizer Page by clicking HERE.
1. Outline your topic sentence using the “burrito” topic sentence method.
2. Make a “real” sentence.
3. Create a Fact Outline.
4. Write the summary using the Fact Outline.
5. Write a conclusion sentence that formally "ends" the summary.
Now, own your own, think about all that you learned about jazz music in the 1920s and 1930s today. Write a summary paragraph describing what you learned about Jazz music today. Remember how to set up a summary paragraph. You can use the Burrito Method graphic organizer on the important information wall or under the resources tab at the top of the page to help you. You can go straight to the Burrito Method Organizer Page by clicking HERE.
1. Outline your topic sentence using the “burrito” topic sentence method.
2. Make a “real” sentence.
3. Create a Fact Outline.
4. Write the summary using the Fact Outline.
5. Write a conclusion sentence that formally "ends" the summary.
Name Homeroom
Lesson 43: Unit 4 Lesson
Group Activity
1. Jazz is __________________________________________________________________________.
I found this on icon # _____________ under the _________________________ heading.
2. _______________________________ invented Jazz music. I found this on icon #
_____________ under the _________________________ heading.
3. Jazz came from _________________________________. I found this on icon #
_____________ under the _________________________ heading.
4. Some of the major "Jazz Cities" in the 1920s and 1930s were
_________________________________________________. I found this on icon #
_____________ under the _________________________ heading.
5. Jazz first came out __________________________________________________________.
I found this on icon # _____________ under the _________________________ heading.
6. The people who listened to Jazz music in the 1920s and 1930s were _________
______________________________________________. I found this on icon #
_____________ under the _________________________ heading.
7. People listened to Jazz music in the 1920s and 1930s because _______________
I found this on icon # _____________ under the _________________________ heading.
8. Jazz music played a part in American history in the 1920s because ___________
I found this on icon # _____________ under the _________________________ heading.
9. The types of music that came together to form Jazz music were _____________
I found this on icon # _____________ under the _________________________ heading.
10. Jazz changed over time beginning with _______________________________________
I found this on icon # _____________ under the _________________________ heading.
11. Jazz spread all over America and the World starting when ____________________
I found this on icon # _____________ under the _________________________ heading.
12. Some popular Jazz musicians of the 1920s and 1930s were __________________,
_________________, and _________________. ___________________ was famous for
_______________________. ___________________ was famous for __________________.
___________________ was famous for _______________________. I found this on icon
# ____________ under the ________________________ heading.
13. Some different types of Jazz are _________________________, ______________________,
and _________________________. The unique characteristic of _________________ Jazz
is _______________________________. The unique characteristic of _________________
Jazz is _______________________________. The unique characteristic of
_________________ Jazz is _______________________________. I found this on icon #
_____________ under the _________________________ heading. The unique
characteristic of _________________ Jazz is _______________________________.
I found this on icon # ____________ under the ________________________ heading.
14. Jazz music influence people's lives today in that
I found this on icon # ____________ under the ________________________ heading.
Individual Activity
- (Write your summary paragraph here.)