Office 365 is a new tool that we will be using this year. This page has guides and video tutorials for teachers to help you use Office 365.
How To Use Office 365 In the ClassroomOffice 365 helps teachers with organization and instruction. With office 365, you can create online notebooks of your curriculum, make interactive lessons for your students, create online assessments, and share information. The Office 365 Suite has several apps. Some of these you are familiar with and others you are not. Below you will find tutorials on each application in Office 365. You will also see how to use these apps together.
To use any of the Microsoft office 365 Suite, you can install it or go online and use the internet version. If you have a PC, I recommend installing it. If you have a Mac, I recommend using the online version, as the installed version slows down your computer. One NoteWhat Is One Note?
OneNote is a digital notebook. In other words, it is an online binder. Just like a real binder, it allows you to have tabs with categories in your notebook. You can also have multiple notebooks. The notebook, sections of the notebook, and pages of the notebook can be private or shared with others.
How Can Teachers Use One Note?
Teachers can use One Note in a variety of ways. They can use it as a learning platform, a curriculum planner, and as a collaboration tool.
Learning Platform
Teachers can use One Note as a learning platform because the notebook’s sections and pages allow you to build learning modules. Images, videos, audio, presentations, and text can all be combined to create interactive experiences making a textbook obsolete.
Quick ReferenceYou can download quick reference cards by clicking on the links below.
Unit Plans
Teachers can use One Note to create Curriculum Plans. Lesson plans, standards, activities, assessments, and resources, can all be put into one place. You can share pages or keep them private.
Collaboration Tool
One Note allows to share ideas with others. This means you can submit lesson plans easily to your administrator, share information with students and parents, and collaborate with other teachers. It is a great tool for keeping up with agendas and forms used from year to year.
How Do I Create a Notebook in One Note?
- Click on the One Note App in the Home Screen
- Click on File in the upper left corner
- Click on New in the Left Side Panel
- Select a Location for your notebook. Our school has a One Drive that keeps these if you like.
- Name the Notebook and click create.
How Do I Create Pages in a Notebook Using One Note?
- Once you have created a notebook, click on the Add Page Circle on right side panel.
- Name the Page.
- You can start typing anywhere on a page. A text box will appear that can be moved anywhere on the page.
- You can change text font and color by highlighting it and using the editing tools at the top of the page.
- You can copy and paste text and pictures from other websites into the page.
- You can insert sections anywhere on the page, by clicking insert at the top right side.
- You can insert documents or files from your computer into a page. Insert, select a document, and it is added.
- You can add as an attachment if you don’t want everything to show.
- You can use your scanner as well.
- You can change the URL links you use to names by clicking link, adding the name and the url.
- Computers with microphones can record audio into the notebook. Click on Record Audio and then stop.
- You can also record video right within One Note. Simply click on Record Video and Stop when you are done.
How Do I Create More Sections in a Notebook Using One Note?
- After you have created your notebook, and your first page, click on the + button at the upper left hand part of the page next to New Section 1.
- Give the New Section a Name.
- All the pages you create will show up in the right side bar panel.
To do an interactive video tutorial, click the play button on the videos below.
How Can Principals Use One Note?
Administrators can use One Note to organize school information, share policies and procedures, collect lesson plans, and collaborate with other educators.
Organizing School Information
Principals can use One Note to keep policies up to date, manage staff meeting notes, and track and complete action items. To see a video showing how to do this, watch the video tutorial below.
Collaborating with Other Educators
Administrators can use One Note to create staff notebooks, share staff materials and policies, and collaborate with colleagues. To see a video showing how to do this, watch the video tutorial below.
How to Create Staff Notebooks Step By Step Tutorial
- Open Apps Launcher at the top left corner
- Click on My Apps Page Link at the bottom left corner
- Click Select Staff Notebook
- Click Create a Staff Notebook
- Name the Notebook, then click next
- There are three parts to a staff notebook: Collaborative Space, Content Library, and Private Notebooks
- Collaboration Space allows you to create notebooks, sections, and pages and allows all the teachers to edit content.
- Content Library allows you to create notebooks, sections, and pages but the teachers can only view the content.
- Private Notebooks allow you to create notebooks, sections, and pages and allows one teacher to edit the content.
- Next, it will prompt you to invite others to share any type of notebook. So if you wanted the Assistant Principal, Counselor, or Book Keeper to be able to edit any content, you could add them at this point.
- You will then be prompted to put in all the names of the staff you want to share the notebook with. Because we have an active directory, accounts will be brought up automatically when you type in the teachers name.
- Each teachers name you type in will get a private notebook.
- Each price notebook will have the following sections or tabs: Professional development, Classroom Observations, Lesson Plan Feedback, Evaluation, Parent Communication. (It also allows you to remove these or add more.)
- You will see at the top right, Staff Leader’s Notebook is highlighted.
- On the left side panel, you will see your links to Collaboration Space, Content Library, and a link to each staff member’s private notebook.
- To see a staff member’s private notebook, click on their name. If you want to see how a staff member sees their notebook, click on Staff Member’s Notebook in the upper right corner next to Staff Leader’s Notebook.
- Once you create the notebook, you will get a link. You do not need to send the link to the staff members because our school account notifies anyone in the network when you share something with them.
- You can now create whatever you like.