Online Discussion - Thinking About Why
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Designing a Business Card Challenge
The Challenge

Your company needs a business card. The graphic designers at your firm use Avery Business Card Maker to create business cards. In this challenge, you will create a business card for your client using the logo that you designed for them and according to the client's specifications. Please read all the instructions below. When you finish, click on the Avery icon to get started with your Business Card.
How to Use Avery Business Card Maker
When you have finished reading all of the instructions and requirements, you will click on the icon at the bottom of these instructions to go to Avery Business Card Maker.
- Go to
- Click on the Sign In button in the top right corner.
- Sign in. Your username is your school email address. (Your username with at the end.) Your password is your school password.
- The Sign In Button will change to say Your Account.
- Hover over the button. From the drop down menu select Projects.
- There will be a green button a little under the Your Account button on the right side of the screen. The button reads, "Start a New Project." - Click on this button.
- On the left side bar of your screen, you will see a blue section that reads, "Featured Templates."
- Scroll down to Business Cards and click on it.
- Click on the first template number 5371.
- Select the first blank horizontal card or the second blank vertical card.
- You will now be on the design screen. A box will pop up on the right asking you to Edit All or Edit One. Make sure Edit All is selected. It will be orange if it has been selected.
- To Add your Logo, click on image in the left side bar. Click the Add Image Button. Click on Browse for File. This will take you to your Google Drive. Click on your logo and then click on select. You can move your logo by dragging it anywhere on the card.
- Make sure you add a text box to put in the requirements. See below.
Business Card Requirements
1.) You must create a business card in Avery Business Card Maker.
2.) The business card must be the standard 2 inch x 3.5 inch size, but you can choose whether it is horizontal or
vertical. These are the first two options in Avery Business Card Maker.
3.) Your business card must include the following items or information:
that reads, "Preview and Print."
5.) Click on the Print it Yourself Button on the right.
6.) Click on the Green Button that says Print Now.
7.) A popup box will come up suggesting you save the project. Click save. Change the name to Client Business
Card and click save.
8.) Another box will pop up letting you know it has been saved to your Avery Account. Click ok.
9.) Another box will pop up that reads, "Open PDF." Click on it.
10.) Click on the download icon at the top right of your screen. Click download and save it to your Google Drive.
2.) The business card must be the standard 2 inch x 3.5 inch size, but you can choose whether it is horizontal or
vertical. These are the first two options in Avery Business Card Maker.
3.) Your business card must include the following items or information:
- your client's name
- the client's business name
- the business address
- the business phone number
- the client's email address
- the business website address
- the company logo you designed
that reads, "Preview and Print."
5.) Click on the Print it Yourself Button on the right.
6.) Click on the Green Button that says Print Now.
7.) A popup box will come up suggesting you save the project. Click save. Change the name to Client Business
Card and click save.
8.) Another box will pop up letting you know it has been saved to your Avery Account. Click ok.
9.) Another box will pop up that reads, "Open PDF." Click on it.
10.) Click on the download icon at the top right of your screen. Click download and save it to your Google Drive.
Business Card Printing Template in Google Drive
1.) Open up your Google Drive and select your Business Card Template.
2.) Share your business card template with me.
2.) Share your business card template with me.

The Ground Rules
- You and your partner(s) need to find a quiet place in the room to work.
- Once you sit, you may not get up and wander around the room.
- Work quietly and quickly to solve the challenge and complete the task. You will only have this week and next week to complete the business cards. Remember you are in a competition. You don't want others to steal your ideas.
- You will have 3 lifelines that you can use in this challenge. A lifeline is raising your hand and asking a teacher for help. Once the lifelines are gone, you are on your own. So, choose wisely!
Click on the Avery icon to get started.
Have fun. Work hard. And ....
Writing a Synopsis
Once you finish the business card and print template, you need to write a synopsis explaining how you designed the card and why you designed it the way you did. You will need to outline the reasons you chose the different elements of the card. To get started open your Google Drive and select a new Google Doc. Save the Synopsis as your firm name BCSYNOPSIS to your Team Drive Portfolio Folder, Lesson 6. Make a copy of the synopsis and move the copy to your Ad Pitch Media Strategy Folder. Remember, if you want your own personal copies of these remember to copy them and put them in the folder with your name. Below you will see an example of a Business Card Synopsis.
Synopsis Requirements
Your synopsis must include the following things. These items are highlighted in yellow on the example below.
Your synopsis must include the following things. These items are highlighted in yellow on the example below.
- Layout type: Vertical or Horizontal
- Card's dimensions: 3.5 x 2 or 2 x 3.5
- Client's Name: Owner of Urban Air or Owner of Crossfit
- Logo Placement: Where did you put the logo?
- Paper type: Photo Paper or Card Stock
- Colors used and why
- Shapes or patterns used and why
- Font used and why
Make sure these items are in the correct places in your Google Folder
- I can explain why companies use business cards.
- I can deduce why businesses put their logos on their cards.
- I can create a business card using a logo that I designed.