Make sure you have coded all of lesson 2 and 3 before doing this lesson!
Now that you know how to program components in a Hummingbird Robotics kit, you can begin the Engineering Design Process to build your own project. Your project will be to design a machine for a specific group of people to help them in some way or a machine that meets a specific need or want of a group of people.
Remember the Engineering Design Process is a step by step process for designing and building an invention or innovation. A diagram of the Engineering Design Process is below.
Remember the Engineering Design Process is a step by step process for designing and building an invention or innovation. A diagram of the Engineering Design Process is below.
Today you will focus on the three steps in the process by asking questions, researching, and imagining. Let's consider these questions to begin?
Write these questions in your journal.
1. How can I build a machine using the hummingbird kit?
2. How do machines work?
3. What could I build to help a specific group of people?
Do you and your partner have any other questions you might want to research? Write them down too. You can also write down more questions if those arise during your research.
Write these questions in your journal.
1. How can I build a machine using the hummingbird kit?
2. How do machines work?
3. What could I build to help a specific group of people?
Do you and your partner have any other questions you might want to research? Write them down too. You can also write down more questions if those arise during your research.
Now, you are going to research the answers to these questions and to other questions you might have. Building a machine with a Hummingbird Kit or any machine for that matter, starts with understanding the mechanisms in machines. A mechanism is a device with moving parts that performs a function. A mechanism is a small machine that works on its own, but is usually used with a larger machine. It converts one type of energy into another. Think about a car engine. All the parts in an engine work together to make energy that allows the car to move.
Click on the link below to go to the Hummingbird Build Page. With your partner watch the tutorials and read about each of the mechanisms that can be made with a Hummingbird kit. These are scissor linkages, cable systems, pistons, cranks, winches, laser cut mechanisms, gear mechanisms, robots, and flowering mechanisms.
Journal Entry
Now Brainstorm with your partner. What things do you know of in our world that use the mechanisms you learned about? Make a list in your journal of all the things you can think of.
Click on the link below to go to the Hummingbird Build Page. With your partner watch the tutorials and read about each of the mechanisms that can be made with a Hummingbird kit. These are scissor linkages, cable systems, pistons, cranks, winches, laser cut mechanisms, gear mechanisms, robots, and flowering mechanisms.
Journal Entry
Now Brainstorm with your partner. What things do you know of in our world that use the mechanisms you learned about? Make a list in your journal of all the things you can think of.
On the same page, you will see four hacks with servo adapters, tools and materials, and cardboard. Click on each one to learn about each hack. Look at each hack with your partner.
Journal Entry
Now Brainstorm with your partner. Using what you learned about mechanisms and hacks what machines could you make with a Hummingbird Kit? Make a list of ideas. Beside each idea, write who the machine is for and how it will help them.
Journal Entry
Now Brainstorm with your partner. Using what you learned about mechanisms and hacks what machines could you make with a Hummingbird Kit? Make a list of ideas. Beside each idea, write who the machine is for and how it will help them.
Now it is time to begin imagining a project. Click on the project link below to see projects you can make with a Hummingbird Kit. You will start by making one of these projects and innovating or changing it to make it better. With your partner review the projects. Pick 3 projects you both think you would like to build. In your journal think about each project by answering these questions in your journal.
Journal Entry
Once you and your partner have answered all the questions in your journal for all 3 of your favorites, choose the project you and your partner will build. On the provided materials list, make a list of materials that need to be purchased. My goal is to have these to you by the next EnRich Class so that you can get started.
Journal Entry
- What 3 projects do you like best?
- Why do you like them?
- What is the purpose or function of each project?
- Who is the project meant to help?
- How does the project help them?
- How difficult is this project? Can we complete this project on our own with limited assistance?
- How long will this project take to complete? Will we be able to build this by the middle of March?
- What materials does this project require? Do we have these materials or do they need to be ordered?
- How can we innovate this project to make it better for the people we are building it for?
Once you and your partner have answered all the questions in your journal for all 3 of your favorites, choose the project you and your partner will build. On the provided materials list, make a list of materials that need to be purchased. My goal is to have these to you by the next EnRich Class so that you can get started.
When time is called please follow clean up and dismissal procedures. Don't forget to turn in your materials list. If you need to take your journal home to complete it, you may do so, but please remember to bring it back before the next EnRich Class.