TOOLBOXadvertising campaign: the plan that an advertising company has for advertising someone’s business that is made up of different media types all within a central theme and utilizing one major advertising technique
advertising strategy: the strategy an advertising company uses to reach a business's target audience and/or attract new customers advertising technique: a tactic used by a company in advertising that makes people feel a strong desire to purchase the company's product or service client: the business or company that is using your firm's advertising services company: a business that sells a product competition: the businesses that sell products or offer services similar to yours; businesses people could choose if they do not like your products or services demographics: the numbers and statistics about groups of people in a population firm: a business partnership that provides a professional service target audience: the group of people most likely to be interested in your product or service The Adventure Appeal Tactic: suggesting that a person will experience an adventure if they use a product or service
The Avant Garde Tactic: suggesting that a person will be smarter than others, ahead of their time, or a trend setter if they use a product or service The Bandwagon Tactic: convincing people to buy a product or use a service because everyone else is doing it The Challenge Tactic: challenges or dares you to prove yourself by purchasing a company’s product or using a company’s service The Card Stacking Tactic: listing all the good things about a product or service and leaving out anything that might be bad about the product or service The Expert Tactic: using someone who appears to be an expert, like a doctor or scientist, to advertise or backup a product or service The Fear Tactic: using fear to persuade people to buy a product or service and suggesting that there will be negative consequences if they don't The Flattery Tactic: complimenting or praising a person in some way to make a person want to buy a product or use a service The Glittering Generalities Tactic: using vague words to make a product or service seem wonderful without giving any real information about it The Humor Tactic: using humor to make people want to buy a product or use a service The Loaded Words Tactic: using words that cause people to feel an emotion that moves them to buy a product or use a service The Name Calling Tactic: criticizing your competition in order to get people to buy your product or use your service instead The Plain Folks Tactic: convincing people that your product or service is perfect for them because it is made for the good, hard working, common person Play On Words: uses figures of speech like puns, idioms, and hyperboles to persuade people to buy a product or use a service The Repetition Tactic: repeating a company's name product, or service over and over so that it stays in the customer's mind and makes them want to purchase the good or service The Scarcity Tactic: making people feel like a product or service is limited, may run out, or become unavailable if they do not hurry and purchase the product or service The Snob/Superiority Appeal Tactic: making a person feel like that by buying a product or using a service they will be better or more superior than others in some way The Statistics Tactic: making people want a product or service by using numbers, percentages, and scientific words that lead people to believe the product or service was researched and proven to be the best The Testimonial Tactic: using someone famous to endorse a product or service by saying that they have used the product or service and got results The Transfer Tactic: linking a celebrity or beautiful person to a product or service to make people feel that if they use the product or service, they will be just like the celebrity Youth Appeal: making someone feel like they they will look or feel younger is they use a product or service |
In this activity, you will learn about all the different advertising techniques that advertising companies use in their client's advertising campaign. Each person will now get the organizer that is pictured below. For each technique, give an idea of how Chick-Fil-A could advertise with that technique. Your idea could be a slogan, a sketch, an idea for a commercial etc...