Unit 2: The Gilded Age
Introduction to the Gilded Age
Activity 1: Write the Lesson Mission Statement below in your Lesson Chronicles under the Lesson Mission header of your Unit 2 Lesson 1 Chronicles - How the Gilded Age Got Its Name.
- I can explain how the Gilded Age got its name.
Activity 2: Read the Unit 2 Lesson 1 Text below. Match the vocabulary words and their definitions in your Lesson Chronicles under the Lesson Vocabulary header of your Unit 2 Lesson 1 Chronicles - How the Gilded Age Got Its Name.
How The Gilded Age Got Its Name
Epic Rap Battles of U.S. History
Activity 4: In this activity, you will apply what you have learned about the Gilded Age so far and create 2 goals for yourself. I will show you a video of high school students that created a spoof on the series called, Epic Rap Battles of US History. Listen to the Rap. In your Lesson Chronicles, under the Epic Battles of U.S. History, write two things you heard in the rap that you would like to know more about. We will share these with each other as a whole class after the rap.
Gathering Clues
Activity 5: You will again apply what you have learned about the Gilded Age so far in Activity 5 called Gathering Clues.
In this activity, you will work with your group to gather clues about the Gilded Age. Read each stanza of four lines below. What clues does each stanza give you about the Gilded Age? As a small group discuss what you think the stanza is telling you about the Gilded Age. In your Lesson Chronicles, under Gathering Clues, you will see a response section for each stanza. Write down one thing you think the stanza may be telling you about the Gilded Age.
In this activity, you will work with your group to gather clues about the Gilded Age. Read each stanza of four lines below. What clues does each stanza give you about the Gilded Age? As a small group discuss what you think the stanza is telling you about the Gilded Age. In your Lesson Chronicles, under Gathering Clues, you will see a response section for each stanza. Write down one thing you think the stanza may be telling you about the Gilded Age.
Extreme Rap by: Maria Garriott
If you listen up, a story will be told
Of people and power, greed and gold Railroads, Robber Barons, Carnegie Steel Morgan's got money, Ford's got wheels Gold in the Yukon, gold in the cross
Oil in Texas, and Rock's the boss These dudes had the House in those days Grant was a general, and then there's Hayes Garfield drops, Arthur steps in
Cleveland is followed by Harrison Cleveland is back, then McKinley (like the hill) TR and Taft, Wilson hates to kill Muckrakers, Magazines, Sam McClure,
Squealed on Rockefeller's Standard Oil Mark Twain, Jack London, Ida Tarbell And Old Mother Jones says raise more... well..... Jim Crow is jumping, but Booker's got voice
Black Folk, soul folk, Mr. DuBois Geronimo, Custer, a man named Horse A Wounded Knee will hurt, of course Sweatshops, doors locked, Triangle Fire
Twelve hour days and children for hire Haymarket, Homestead, Pullman Strikes Edison brings us electric lights Skyscrapers, backbreakers, Brooklyn Bridge
Gompers, Wobblies, Eugene Debs Immigrants, tenements, No Chinese Populists rise up, farmers get the squeeze Down in Havana, blow up the Maine
Teddy's Big Stick and war with Spain A canal in Panama, two brothers that float Ladies still fussing for the women's vote The Gilded Age was full of extremes,
Recite this rap you'll know what I mean |
Activity 6: Did you accomplish your mission for this Lesson? Are you able to say the following I can statement?
Yes? Great! Prove It! Take the Mission Check Challenge by clicking on the icon to the right - Mission Check - and see if you're right. When you are finished submit it. Your score will come back immediately. I will print it for you and you need to glue it |
Remember, you have homework in Social Studies every night. Your homework is to tell your family what you learned in class today. This is an excellent way to keep a good line of communication open with your parents and it is a great way to make sure you are studying a little every night. Just use your I can statement to get you started:
Hey Mom and Dad. Guess what? I can tell you how the Gilded Age of U.S. History got its name.
Your parents will be delighted that you are actually telling them what you learned in school and its a chance to show off by telling them something they might not know!