Imperialism in Armythia
Just as a reminder, the unit mission is below. This is our final goal for the unit. To meet this goal, each lesson will have targets that you must meet in order to make this goal. The live action role play lesson is this first lesson in the World War I unit. The LARP targets are listed below the mission.

What was World War I? What caused it? How was it fought? How did it end? What was the Impact?
Computer, Numbers for Mac, Internet, printer, computer paper, Class Learning Platform, Apple T.V., National Signs, Lesson Chronicles Folder, National Intel Folders
- Expand your empire.
- Determine possible enemies.
- Build relationships with possible Allies.
1.) Define Imperialism
2.) Episode 2 Credits
3.) World Domination Game
2.) Episode 2 Credits
3.) World Domination Game
Imperialism is a policy or belief that a nation should expand its territory by taking over other nations to rule them and take their natural resources. The nation that does the "taking over" is called the mother country. The nations that are "taken over" become a territory or colony of the mother country. All of the lands that the mother country rules including the mother country are called an empire.
Turn off the volume on your computer! Watch the big screen.
A New Threat
Armythia has become a planet divided by nationalistic countries rivaling for power and prestige. To prove to their citizens and other nations that they are worthy of this prestige, each of the eight major nations have adopted a policy of militarism by entering into a dangerous arms race.
As each nation expanded their militaries and their military budgets, it became apparent that merely having a strong military was not enough to gain the power and prestige they desired from their rivals.
To compound the problem, several of the major nations began to run low on the major natural resources they needed to maintain their military expansion. Some of the nations even began running low on the natural resources needed for basic survival.
From these two problems arose another ideal among the rivaling nations. This was the policy of Imperialism. So, the major nations, each having their own reasons, began using the vast, strong militaries that they had developed to take over weaker, undeveloped nations on the planet.
The majority of citizens on Yatween are against imperialism, but become involved in the rivalry as they attempt to protect smaller, undeveloped nations from the other major nations.
After winning independence from Zydor, Aratu has no desire to expand their nation to undeveloped regions. However, Aratu does wish to annex a small portion of land on their shared border with Zydor, where Aratuians are still living under Zydorian rule.
Evershire's strong navy has already earned them a strong empire. On the continent of Lortawan, they have already gained the territories of Odenshire, Ufnu, Corasant, and Mujar.
Calleaux holds the territory of Nim in Lortawan. The majority of citizens in Calleaux are against imperialism, but realize that unless they participate, their nation will lose position.
Though Reyden is wealthy in natural resources, it has struggled to gain recognition among the other major nations. So even with the nation on the brink of civil war, Reyden begins invasions to gain the prestige they desire.
Zydor has an inflated national image, feeling they are already the most prestigious nation in the world. At present, they have no desire to expand into Lortawan or Dunsway.
Barnock and Beyfor, feeling jilted and under-appreciated by the other nations for their military power, both forge headstrong into invading Dunsway and Lortawan.
So the major nations of Armythia, all feeling their nations are superior, use the militaries that they have built up in a new race.... An imperial race... to claim the most territory.
A New Threat
Armythia has become a planet divided by nationalistic countries rivaling for power and prestige. To prove to their citizens and other nations that they are worthy of this prestige, each of the eight major nations have adopted a policy of militarism by entering into a dangerous arms race.
As each nation expanded their militaries and their military budgets, it became apparent that merely having a strong military was not enough to gain the power and prestige they desired from their rivals.
To compound the problem, several of the major nations began to run low on the major natural resources they needed to maintain their military expansion. Some of the nations even began running low on the natural resources needed for basic survival.
From these two problems arose another ideal among the rivaling nations. This was the policy of Imperialism. So, the major nations, each having their own reasons, began using the vast, strong militaries that they had developed to take over weaker, undeveloped nations on the planet.
The majority of citizens on Yatween are against imperialism, but become involved in the rivalry as they attempt to protect smaller, undeveloped nations from the other major nations.
After winning independence from Zydor, Aratu has no desire to expand their nation to undeveloped regions. However, Aratu does wish to annex a small portion of land on their shared border with Zydor, where Aratuians are still living under Zydorian rule.
Evershire's strong navy has already earned them a strong empire. On the continent of Lortawan, they have already gained the territories of Odenshire, Ufnu, Corasant, and Mujar.
Calleaux holds the territory of Nim in Lortawan. The majority of citizens in Calleaux are against imperialism, but realize that unless they participate, their nation will lose position.
Though Reyden is wealthy in natural resources, it has struggled to gain recognition among the other major nations. So even with the nation on the brink of civil war, Reyden begins invasions to gain the prestige they desire.
Zydor has an inflated national image, feeling they are already the most prestigious nation in the world. At present, they have no desire to expand into Lortawan or Dunsway.
Barnock and Beyfor, feeling jilted and under-appreciated by the other nations for their military power, both forge headstrong into invading Dunsway and Lortawan.
So the major nations of Armythia, all feeling their nations are superior, use the militaries that they have built up in a new race.... An imperial race... to claim the most territory.
World Domination - Establishing MotivesTime to Complete: Whole Group Activity - 10 minutes
To gain power and prestige, a nation not only has to practice militarism, by having a vast, strong, well trained, military that is well equipped with the latest weapons and technology, it must also practice imperialism as well. Each nation is involved in imperialism for a different reason.
To bring together one race or ethnicity into one country Aratu was a nation that had been a victim of imperialism. Once owned by Zydor, Aratu simply wants to reclaim all the land that has its people living there so that all the Aratuian people can live under their own government. BARNOCK AND BEYFOR
To prove your power, gain respect, or be feared Barnock and Beyfor feel that they have worked very hard to become the military powerhouses of Armythia but they are angry because the other nations do not believe this to be the case. Barnock and Beyfor want to prove they are not nations that you want to disrespect. CALLEAUX
Fear of other nations Just 100 years ago, Calleaux was under the rule of an emperor. The people successfully overthrew the emperor and established a republic, but while they were in transition, Zydor attempted to take them over. Calleaux only lost two territories in the war, but have learned that if they do not keep up, they could become a target. EVERSHIRE
To bring culture and education to other nations in return for resources Evershire already has a large empire. They used their vast navy to take over a large portion of Lortawan and because of this, Evershire is the most feared and respected nation. Evershire justifies taking over other nations by claiming they practice benevolent imperialism. Benevolent imperialism is when a nation justifies taking over another nation because they claim the nation they need to take over does not have the knowledge or skills they need to run their own nation. By taking the weak nation over, the strong nation helps the weaker nation better manage their nation's resources and helps to bring culture and education to the weaker nation's people. REYDEN
To unify citizens with a common goal and mask internal problems from the world Reyden has only become a civilized nation within the last 200 years. It was once multiple groups of tribal peoples until they were united under one emperor. The nation has grown fast and there are many different views about how the nation should run. Government leaders want to hide their national problems from the world in fear that Reyden might become a target if other nations saw them as weak. So Reyden adopts imperialism as a way to promote unity among their citizens and hide their nation's weaknesses from other nations. YATWEEN
To protect yourself and other nations The majority of citizens in Yatween want nothing to do with imperialism. Yatwenians want isolationism. Isolationism is staying out of conflicts and political affairs with other nations. Government officials however understand that complete isolationism is not possible. First of all, the economy depends upon trading with other nations. So, you have to be involved with other nations. Secondly, the nation of Yatween has declared themselves promoters of democracy. They have vowed to protect any nation that desires democracy. So, as imperialism gets stronger within the other nations of Armythia, Yatween develops its military to stand against it... But Yatween's friendship with Evershire will complicate the matter. ZYDOR
You have already been there, done that! Over the last 100 years, Zydor conquered many weaker nations surrounding them and combined all of these areas into one empire called Zydor. Because Zydor already had an empire, they alrady felt superior to the other nations of Aramythia. So, they felt no need to conquer undeveloped land on different continents. Many citizens do however, still have their eyes on Aratu. Aratu, had once been a part of Zydor, but won their independence. Though Zydor has no interests in lands far away, many Zydorians still have interests on gaining back lands nearby. |
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Challenge 5 Termsannexed: to make a region or territory a part of your nation
benevolent imperialism: taking over a weaker nation and providing them with culture and education civilized: someone who is not wild or savage; an educated person who uses self control and understands their culture colony: an area under the control of a mother country, whose purpose is to provide resources to help the mother country democracy: the belief in freedom and equality between people empire: a group of countries or regions that are controlled by one ruler or one government imperialism: a policy or belief that a nation should expand its territory by taking over other nations to rule them and take their natural resources invasion: going into another nation with your military with the intent to conquer or take over isolationism: staying out of conflicts and political affairs with other nations mother country: a nation that has other nations under its control prestige: your rank, influence, or importance as seen by others; how admired you are republic: form of government where the citizens themselves hold power by electing officials to represent them territory: a region or area of land under the authority or protection of a nation undeveloped: a nation that is behind in industrialization, education, living standards, healthcare, technology, and culture |
World Domination Game
The eight major nations of Armythia have realized that militarism is not enough to be at the top. So, all the major nations have entered into a land race. In Challenge 5, you will play a game called World Domination to simulate this land race. The territory that you gain in the game along with its natural resources will be added to what you currently have. Follow along as I read the directions to the game and go over the game contents below.
Game Contents
The following are pictures and descriptions of all the game contents.
National Status After Militarism Worksheet
Map Key
Armythia World Map
Map of Dunsway
Map of Lortawan
National Stats Charts for Dunsway and Lortawan
World Domination Game Board
- In World Domination, each nation will take a turn. Turns will go tables 1 - 8.
- Look at the nations in Dunsway and Lortawan that have the natural resources you want. You can highlight these your Statistics sheets if you like. You want to target nations with resources that you do not have or have very little of.
- It will cost you $10,000 of your nation's GNP, 1000 of your Navy and 5000 of your Army to invade the land.
- On your nation's turn, you will name one of the nations in Lortawan and Dunsway that you want to take over and bring me your National Stats Before Militarism Sheet. I will subtract the cost of invasion from your sheet.
- Then I will call for any nations who wish to challenge you for the territory. Any nation that wishes to challenge you will bring up their National Stats Before Militarism Sheet and I will deduct the costs for them as well.
- Then each nation will spin the spinner. The nation with the highest number wins the territory.
- I will add the natural resources that you won to your National Stats Before Militarism Sheet. The winning nation also receives their $10,000 back.
- I will color the nation that the winner took over in their assigned color on the game maps.
- The game is complete when all of the Territory is claimed in Dunsway and Lortawan.
- After we complete the game, you will record your new stats on your National Stats After Imperialism Sheet. No other nations need to see your intel packet. They may not realize what you've gained or what you've lost.
Good Luck! And May the Odds be Ever in Your Favor!
Challenge 5 Lesson Chronicles
Time to Complete: Whole Group Activity - 30 minutes
Challenge 5 Lesson Chronicles Directions: This goes behind your Challenge 4 Lesson Chronicles. Don't forget to put your name on the handout. Write Challenge 5 Chronicles in your Table of Contents. Challenge 5 Chronicles are worth 50 points. You will first complete the vocabulary terms for the Challenge. At the end of the challenge you will answer the questions about what you learned in today's Challenge. If you should lose the copy I give you in class, you can print out another copy at home by clicking on the link in the toolbox.
If you do not finish the Chronicles in the designated class time it becomes homework. Remember, I will check each group's National Intel Packets and every student's Lesson Chronicles on Friday.
If you do not finish the Chronicles in the designated class time it becomes homework. Remember, I will check each group's National Intel Packets and every student's Lesson Chronicles on Friday.

You have completed Challenge 5
of the World War I
Live Action Role Play.