Introduction and Set Up of the World War I Live Action Role Play
As we begin the unit, it is important to know what is expected of you. The following multifaceted question is the essential question of the unit. It is what you must be able to answer to meet the unit mission. Each lesson will have targets that you must meet. These targets are the components of the unit. To meet the targets, you will perform challenges. You will use all the targets at the end of the unit to answer the essential question and accomplish the unit mission.

What was World War I? What caused it? How was is fought? How did it end? What was the Impact?
Computer, Internet, Class Learning Platform, Apple T.V., Lesson Chronicles Folder, LARP Challenge 1 Lesson Chronicles Handout
LARP Introduction Reading Activity
Time to Complete: Whole Group Activity - 20 minutes
Directions: We will read the following as a class.
![]() In 1914 war broke out in Europe. Within a very short time all the major nations were involved. There were two sides. The Allied Powers and the Central Powers. What causes people and nations to go to war? How do they decide who their friends are?
![]() To gain a better understanding of how World War I began, you will participate in Live Action Role Play. Live Action Role Play or LARP is a role playing game where players act out a character part without scripts for a set amount of time. Situations, issues, and events are introduced at various points throughout the game and the character reacts naturally to the situations, issues, and events.
![]() In our World War I Larp, each table in our class will represent a pretend empire. You will gather information about your empire and other empires that will help you make plans about what to do when World News Reports or International Events occur. All of your decisions will create a chain of events that will lead to an outcome. The events that occur and the decisions you make all represent real events that occurred during World War I and real decisions leaders had to make before World War I.
![]() Each table will receive a secret, confidential packet about their nation. You will use this packet in combination with World News Reports and international events to establish your own national identity, analyze the state of your nation and other nations, and develop plans and policies that will help you build your empire!
TOOLBOXChronicles Links![]()
Challenge 1 TermsLive Action Role Play (LARP): a role playing game where players act out a character part without scripts for a set amount of time. Situations, issues, and events are introduced at various points throughout the game and the character reacts naturally to the situations, issues, and events.
confidential: something that is private or secret international events: events involving or effecting two or more nations World War I Resource LinksWorld War I Glossary of Terms
World War I Timeline
World War I Maps
World War I Photo Gallery
World War I Videos

The LARP is divded into random challenges. The choices your empire makes and the actions your empire takes will create a chain of events that will result in a specific world outcome. At the end of all the challenges, I will reveal which real nation your empire represented in World War I. We will go over the real issues and events each event and World News Broadcast represented. Then, we will evaluate whether our LARP outcome was the same, better, or worse than the actual outcome of World War I. Finally, we will apply terms to what we learned in the Live Action Role Play.

The toolbox on the right side panel of the screen contains links to the worksheets, handouts, and guides that you receive for each challenge. You may print these out at home in the event you lose the ones I give you in class or you are absent the day we do a challenge. The toolbox also contains vocabulary terms of important words to help you. At the end of the LARP, you will be tested on these words.

LARPing requires you to participate everyday. Most challenges are done online or in class. If you are absent during the LARP, it is imperative that you ask you go to the calendar on the planner page, click on the day you were absent and see what you missed. If it is something that you can do at home, you should do it before returning to school. If you do not have access to a computer or internet service at home, you will have to make it up during E&I and P.E. when you return. When you do return, make sure you check with the other members of your group to get anything you might have missed. Your make up work is your responsibility and must be completed before Chronicles Checks every Friday!

It is very important that you understand that the Live Action Role Play will be divided into little mini-activities called Challenges. These Challenges will be timed! They are designed to be fun, quick, and easy. I will not be able to give you extra time on the mini-activities. YOU MUST STAY ON TASK.
Introduction to LARP Lesson Chronicles Handouts
Time to Complete: Whole Group Activity - 25 minutes
Table of Contents Directions: You will now receive your Table of Contents for your LARP Chronicles. Please put this behind your syllabus in your Lesson Chronicles. The Table of Contents Page is embedded below and linked in the toolbox.
Table of Contents by April Jones Smith on Scribd

LARP Table of Contents |
Challenge 1 Lesson Chronicles Directions: This goes behind your Table of Contents in your Lesson Chronicles. Don't forget to put your name on the handout. Write Challenge 1 Chronicles in your Table of Contents. Challenge 1 Chronicles are worth 50 points. You will first complete the vocabulary terms for the Challenge. At the end of the challenge you will answer the questions about what you learned in today's Challenge. If you should lose the copy I give you in class, you can print out another copy at home by clicking on the link in the toolbox.
If you do not finish the Chronicles in the designated class time it becomes homework. Remember, I will check each group's National Intel Packets and every student's Lesson Chronicles on Friday.
If you do not finish the Chronicles in the designated class time it becomes homework. Remember, I will check each group's National Intel Packets and every student's Lesson Chronicles on Friday.
Page 1 Larp Notebook by April Jones Smith on Scribd

Challenge 1 Lesson Chronicles Handout |