Squadron Co-pilots
Co-pilots are partners who fly a plane together. A squadron is a team of pilots that fly together on a mission. Today you are going to learn about how to be a good team member, just like co-pilots that fly together in a squadron.
How The Rebels Destroyed the Death Star
Now, we are going to read a story together about how the Rebels destroyed the Death Star in Star Wars.
Tool Boxco-pilots: partners who fly a plane together
squadron: a team of pilots that fly together on a mission teamwork: working with a group of people to accomplish a task perseverance: not giving up no matter how hard it gets |
Now, you are going to work with a partner to complete a task. Remember, to complete the task, you will need to talk with your partner, work together, and encourage each other until you accomplish the task.
Your task is to put together the X-Wing Puzzle so that you and your partner can defeat the Death Star just like the Rebels in Star Wars. To do the puzzle one of you will click on the puzzle icon below. Then, I will help you get your puzzle on full screen so that it is easier to move the pieces around. You and your partner need to work together to click and drag all the puzzle pieces into the right spot to complete the puzzle. Remember to work together.
Your task is to put together the X-Wing Puzzle so that you and your partner can defeat the Death Star just like the Rebels in Star Wars. To do the puzzle one of you will click on the puzzle icon below. Then, I will help you get your puzzle on full screen so that it is easier to move the pieces around. You and your partner need to work together to click and drag all the puzzle pieces into the right spot to complete the puzzle. Remember to work together.
Original Lesson by April Smith
Constructed to meet:
Constructed to meet:
- Alabama Digital Learning and Computer Science Citizen of a Digital Culture Standard 5 - Legal and Ethical Behavior: Demonstrate appropriate behaviors for working with others responsibly and kindly.
- International Technology and Engineering Educators Association STEL Standard 2E - Collaborate effectively as a member of a team.