A Work In Progress
Welcome to Mrs. Smith's Online Technology Classroom. As I transform from history teacher to technology teacher, bear with me. I am in the process of revamping the website. This website provides students and teachers with a dashboard of classroom information, school links, and resources by topic. It is dedicated to students and teachers everywhere. Please feel free to use the resources to enhance your learning and instruction.
Agenda Tab
The Agenda Tab is the home page of this website. It is the place to get yourself organized. Here you will find news, school announcements, a class calendar, the Tech Class Newsletter, and our class agenda. On the right side of the page you will see quick links to import websites.
Tech Class Tab
Under the Tech Class tab, you will find our Technology Class Learning Modules. Parents can view the lesson that their students did in class each day and students can review these lessons at home. Each grade level has a tab that will take them to their lessons. Future lessons will not become active until the Monday before we begin the lesson.
Study Guides
Under the Study Guides tab, you will find webpages dedicated to classroom tests and projects at Cahaba Elementary School. These pages contain safe websites for students to perform research, play games, and engage in online interactive and simulations. They are organized by topics requested by teachers. If you have a request for a project page, please send me an email or complete the request form at the link below.
Under the Projects tab, you will find webpages dedicated to classroom projects at Cahaba Elementary School. These pages contain safe websites for students to perform research and provide interactives that help students engage with their assigned projects. They are organized by grade and topic. Topics are requested by teachers.
Under the Games tab, you will find educational games that enhance instruction and further student learning. These games are not meant to help students study, but to expand upon what they are learning in class. These games are organized by grade and topic.
Teacher Tab
Under the teacher tab, you will find webpages dedicated to the teachers of Cahaba Elementary School. These pages contain the weekly Tech Bytes Newsletter, links to instructional resources, and professional development. Though these are designed for Cahaba Elementary School Teachers, any educator is free to use the content or resources from this site.
Under the parents tab you will find photos and videos of your kids learning, galleries of student work and projects, resources about child development, and information, forms, policies, and procedures at Cahaba Elementary School.
Contact Mrs. Smith
Under the contact Mrs. Smith tab, you will find a contact link to email me, a request form for teacher resources, a request form for project resources, a tech request form, and a dashboard request form. These forms are for Cahaba Elementary School teachers but anyone may contact me using the contact form.