5th Grade Cross-Curricular Unit
Unit Glossary
Administration: The person or group in charge
Algorithm: The list of commands or steps to complete a task in a program
Alliances: An agreement between nations to work together for a common goal or to defend each other in the event of war
Appeals: When an individual asks his or her government to change something by explaining why the change is needed
Arsenal: A place where weapons and military equipment are stored or made
Algorithm: The list of commands or steps to complete a task in a program
Alliances: An agreement between nations to work together for a common goal or to defend each other in the event of war
Appeals: When an individual asks his or her government to change something by explaining why the change is needed
Arsenal: A place where weapons and military equipment are stored or made
Bayonets: A blade that is attached to the end of a rifle for use in hand-to-hand fighting
Boycott: When a group of people refuse to buy a certain product
Boycott: When a group of people refuse to buy a certain product
Capitalism: An economy where trade and industry are not controlled by the government but by business owners who determine the amount of the product or service available for sale and by consumers who determine how much they are willing to pay for the product or service
Cargo: The goods or products carried on a ship, aircraft, or train
Casualties: The people who are killed or injured in a war
Civil Disobedience: When the group being ruled or governed protests or refuses to comply with laws to show their anger over unfair laws or treatment by the ruling group
Civil Rights: The rights of the citizens in a nation
Code: A language that programmers use to communicate with computers
Collaboration: When the group being ruled or governed begins talking with each other about the unfair, unjust, or cruel treatment from the ruling group
Colonialism: When a nation has control over another nation or area and uses their control to take away the products or natural resources from the area they control
Coercive: Threatening someone to do something
Command : One instruction or step in an algorithm of a program
Conditional: Any command, event, or algorithm that will only occur if triggered by another command, event, or algorithm
Constant: Any command, event, or algorithm that is necessary for the program to produce the desired outcome
Convicted: To declare someone guilty of a crime in a court of law
Correspondence: Communication exchanged by letters or couriers
Courier: A messenger who takes information or documents from one place to another
Currency: the system of money used by a nation; example: in the U.S. we use dollars, in Britain pounds are used, and in Japan they use the yen
Customs: A government department that collects all the duties on imported goods
Cargo: The goods or products carried on a ship, aircraft, or train
Casualties: The people who are killed or injured in a war
Civil Disobedience: When the group being ruled or governed protests or refuses to comply with laws to show their anger over unfair laws or treatment by the ruling group
Civil Rights: The rights of the citizens in a nation
Code: A language that programmers use to communicate with computers
Collaboration: When the group being ruled or governed begins talking with each other about the unfair, unjust, or cruel treatment from the ruling group
Colonialism: When a nation has control over another nation or area and uses their control to take away the products or natural resources from the area they control
Coercive: Threatening someone to do something
Command : One instruction or step in an algorithm of a program
Conditional: Any command, event, or algorithm that will only occur if triggered by another command, event, or algorithm
Constant: Any command, event, or algorithm that is necessary for the program to produce the desired outcome
Convicted: To declare someone guilty of a crime in a court of law
Correspondence: Communication exchanged by letters or couriers
Courier: A messenger who takes information or documents from one place to another
Currency: the system of money used by a nation; example: in the U.S. we use dollars, in Britain pounds are used, and in Japan they use the yen
Customs: A government department that collects all the duties on imported goods
Debt: Money that is owed to another person
Declaration: When the group being ruled or governed formally announces that they will no longer accept unfair, unjust, or cruel treatment from the ruling group
Decree: An official order by a government authority
De Facto: Something that is not official but accepted
Defensive: When a nation or area fights to protect themselves from harm or to keep their territory under their own control
Defiance: Purposely disobeying an authority figure or refusing to do something or to behave a certain way
Democracy: A form of government in which all the people of the nation vote for their leaders and all laws
Determination: When the group being ruled or governed starts rallying support to create a plan for ending the unfair, unjust, or cruel treatment by the ruling group
Diplomats: An official who represents a country in deals made with another country
Discrimination: When a group of people treats another group of people unfairly in social situations for being different in some way
Dissolve: To close down or to dismiss
Domination: When one nation or group of people has control over another nation or group of people
Drafted: The first version of a document that is written before it is edited
Duty: A special tax on a specific product. It is usually a tax on items bought from other countries.
Declaration: When the group being ruled or governed formally announces that they will no longer accept unfair, unjust, or cruel treatment from the ruling group
Decree: An official order by a government authority
De Facto: Something that is not official but accepted
Defensive: When a nation or area fights to protect themselves from harm or to keep their territory under their own control
Defiance: Purposely disobeying an authority figure or refusing to do something or to behave a certain way
Democracy: A form of government in which all the people of the nation vote for their leaders and all laws
Determination: When the group being ruled or governed starts rallying support to create a plan for ending the unfair, unjust, or cruel treatment by the ruling group
Diplomats: An official who represents a country in deals made with another country
Discrimination: When a group of people treats another group of people unfairly in social situations for being different in some way
Dissolve: To close down or to dismiss
Domination: When one nation or group of people has control over another nation or group of people
Drafted: The first version of a document that is written before it is edited
Duty: A special tax on a specific product. It is usually a tax on items bought from other countries.
Economics: Anything that relates to the way a country manages its money and resources to produce, buy, and sell goods and services
Economy: The way a country manages its money and resources to produce, buy, and sell goods and services
Effigy: A large doll, much like a scarecrow that represents a particular person that is made to be damaged or destroyed as a protest for something the person did or is going to do
Embargo: An official ban on trade or selling goods or products to a particular country
Empire: When one country controls many other countries or areas
Enforce: To make sure that people are doing what is required of them
Enlightenment: A period in the 1700s when thinkers, philosophers, and scholars began to question the politics of government and the roles of the church and different members of society
Entrenchments: A series of ditches that soldiers use to avoid bullet fire in warsEspionage: The practice of spying on the government or military officials of a country to get plans or information for another country, especially an enemy country
Establishment: When a newly formed nation begins practicing a political system and its sovereignty is accepted by other sovereign nations
Event: An result or action that occurs as a result of an algorithm or series of algorithms
Exploitation: When a ruling nation or group of people takes advantage of the nation or group of people for whom they rule by taking their resources, charging them taxes, and requiring them to perform services
Export: Any items or products that are sold to other countries
Economy: The way a country manages its money and resources to produce, buy, and sell goods and services
Effigy: A large doll, much like a scarecrow that represents a particular person that is made to be damaged or destroyed as a protest for something the person did or is going to do
Embargo: An official ban on trade or selling goods or products to a particular country
Empire: When one country controls many other countries or areas
Enforce: To make sure that people are doing what is required of them
Enlightenment: A period in the 1700s when thinkers, philosophers, and scholars began to question the politics of government and the roles of the church and different members of society
Entrenchments: A series of ditches that soldiers use to avoid bullet fire in warsEspionage: The practice of spying on the government or military officials of a country to get plans or information for another country, especially an enemy country
Establishment: When a newly formed nation begins practicing a political system and its sovereignty is accepted by other sovereign nations
Event: An result or action that occurs as a result of an algorithm or series of algorithms
Exploitation: When a ruling nation or group of people takes advantage of the nation or group of people for whom they rule by taking their resources, charging them taxes, and requiring them to perform services
Export: Any items or products that are sold to other countries
Federalism: A form of government that both combines and divides powers between a federal government, states government, and local government
Federation: A group of states with their own state governments who are unified under one central or national government.
Finance: The branch of business that deals with how funds are raised, budgeted, and invested
Finites: The three parts every program must have to be considered a program - start, the middle consisting of algorithms and events, and an end
Form of Government: The way a nation selects leaders, makes laws, interprets laws, carries out laws, manages its people, and runs its affairs
Frigates: A warship with different types of weapons and used to escort other warships
Federation: A group of states with their own state governments who are unified under one central or national government.
Finance: The branch of business that deals with how funds are raised, budgeted, and invested
Finites: The three parts every program must have to be considered a program - start, the middle consisting of algorithms and events, and an end
Form of Government: The way a nation selects leaders, makes laws, interprets laws, carries out laws, manages its people, and runs its affairs
Frigates: A warship with different types of weapons and used to escort other warships
Garrison: Troops that are stationed in a fort or town to defend it
Government: The group of people who have the authority to govern a region or country
Grievance: When the group being ruled or governed confronts the ruling nation or group with complaints about the ruling group’s unfair or cruel treatment
Government: The group of people who have the authority to govern a region or country
Grievance: When the group being ruled or governed confronts the ruling nation or group with complaints about the ruling group’s unfair or cruel treatment
Imperialism: When a nation takes over another nation to rule them and take their natural resources
Import: Any items or products that are brought into a country to sell
Income: The amount of money that a person or nation makes
Intel: Information that is valuable to a nation’s military or government and is usually secret
Interest: The amount of money charged on money that is borrowed or loaned
International: Involving multiple countries or nations
Import: Any items or products that are brought into a country to sell
Income: The amount of money that a person or nation makes
Intel: Information that is valuable to a nation’s military or government and is usually secret
Interest: The amount of money charged on money that is borrowed or loaned
International: Involving multiple countries or nations
Justice: Fairness in the way people are dealt with or the system of punishment for breaking laws in a natio
Land Grant: The giving away of public land to a group or person by the government
Legislatures: A group of people who are given the power to make, change, or repeal the laws of a country or state
Loop: Repeating a command for an assigned number of times
Loot: To steal goods from a place or from a person or group, typically during a war or riot
Loyalists: The colonists who remained loyal to Great Britain or that did not support revolution
Legislatures: A group of people who are given the power to make, change, or repeal the laws of a country or state
Loop: Repeating a command for an assigned number of times
Loot: To steal goods from a place or from a person or group, typically during a war or riot
Loyalists: The colonists who remained loyal to Great Britain or that did not support revolution
Massacre: When a group of people are violently killed
Mercantilism: An economy where trade and industry are controlled by the government in an effort to maximize wealth by exporting more goods than it imports; During the 1600s - 1800s nations practiced mercantilism by establishing empires and exploiting their colonies
Mercenaries: A professional soldier hired to serve a foreign country’s army
Merchant: A person or company that trades or deals with foreign countries in importing or exporting products or goods
Militia: Men in arms formed to protect their towns from invasion and war, but not part a formal division of the army
Military Rule: When the military takes control of enforcing the law in an area deemed rebellious by the government
Minutemen: A small hand-picked, highly mobile and elite force able to assemble quickly and were the first armed militia to arrive or await a battle; they were selected for superior intellect and physical strength; one quarter of the militia served as Minutemen
Monopoly: When one company or person has complete control of the supply of product or service because they are the only provider of that product or service
Morale: When a group of people feel good, confident, hopeful, or loyal to a cause
Munitions: Military weapons, ammunition, equipment, and storage
Mutiny: when soldiers refuse to obey the orders of a commanding officer
Mercantilism: An economy where trade and industry are controlled by the government in an effort to maximize wealth by exporting more goods than it imports; During the 1600s - 1800s nations practiced mercantilism by establishing empires and exploiting their colonies
Mercenaries: A professional soldier hired to serve a foreign country’s army
Merchant: A person or company that trades or deals with foreign countries in importing or exporting products or goods
Militia: Men in arms formed to protect their towns from invasion and war, but not part a formal division of the army
Military Rule: When the military takes control of enforcing the law in an area deemed rebellious by the government
Minutemen: A small hand-picked, highly mobile and elite force able to assemble quickly and were the first armed militia to arrive or await a battle; they were selected for superior intellect and physical strength; one quarter of the militia served as Minutemen
Monopoly: When one company or person has complete control of the supply of product or service because they are the only provider of that product or service
Morale: When a group of people feel good, confident, hopeful, or loyal to a cause
Munitions: Military weapons, ammunition, equipment, and storage
Mutiny: when soldiers refuse to obey the orders of a commanding officer
Natural Resources: Things that are found in nature and valuable to peopl
Offensive: When a nation or area attacks another nation or area in order to gain control over a territory
Oppression: When a ruling nation or group of people is harsh or refuses to give the same political privileges or legal rights to another group of people over whom they are ruling
Overthrow: When a group of people in a nation forcibly remove their government official
Oppression: When a ruling nation or group of people is harsh or refuses to give the same political privileges or legal rights to another group of people over whom they are ruling
Overthrow: When a group of people in a nation forcibly remove their government official
Parliament: A type of government legislature in some nations similar to the United States House and Senate
Patriots: The colonists who supported and fought for American Independence
Persecution: When a ruling nation or group of people is deliberately cruel or abusive to a group of people over whom they rule
Petition: A formal written request that is signed by people who support it
Political Boundaries: A nation’s official borders or the perimeter of a nation
Political Party: A group of voting citizens in a nation with similar ideas about how the nation’s government, economy, and society should be managed
Political Party System: When a nation votes for political candidates based upon the candidate’s political party
Political System: The way a nation manages its government, economy, and people
Prejudice: When a person or group of people dislike another person or group because of their race, gender, religion, beliefs, status, or wealth
Proclamation: A public or official announcement of great importance
Program: A sequence of instructions for a computer using code
Propaganda: Exaggerating a situation, issue, or idea and spreading it in order to help a political cause, a political leader, or a government
Prosecute: To hold a trial against a person who is accused of a crime to see if that person is guilty
Protest: An written expression or a way of behaving to show disapproval for something
Patriots: The colonists who supported and fought for American Independence
Persecution: When a ruling nation or group of people is deliberately cruel or abusive to a group of people over whom they rule
Petition: A formal written request that is signed by people who support it
Political Boundaries: A nation’s official borders or the perimeter of a nation
Political Party: A group of voting citizens in a nation with similar ideas about how the nation’s government, economy, and society should be managed
Political Party System: When a nation votes for political candidates based upon the candidate’s political party
Political System: The way a nation manages its government, economy, and people
Prejudice: When a person or group of people dislike another person or group because of their race, gender, religion, beliefs, status, or wealth
Proclamation: A public or official announcement of great importance
Program: A sequence of instructions for a computer using code
Propaganda: Exaggerating a situation, issue, or idea and spreading it in order to help a political cause, a political leader, or a government
Prosecute: To hold a trial against a person who is accused of a crime to see if that person is guilty
Protest: An written expression or a way of behaving to show disapproval for something
Quartering: Giving soldiers housing, food, and supplies
Raw Materials: The basic materials used to build something or make a product for people to use
Rebellion: When a group being ruled riots, loots, vandalizes, or shows violence to show anger over mistreatment by a ruling group or when a resistance group’s people or militia start using violence to resist the authority or control of the ruling group
Regulate: To supervise or control something
Reinforcements: Extra soldiers or militia sent to help a force that is fighting in a battle or war
Repealed: When a government takes away a law, tax, or legal agreement so that you no longer have to do it
Republic: A nation in which the people control their government by electing representatives to run the day to day affairs and to create and pass laws for the nation
Resistance: When several groups being ruled or governed by the same ruling group bans together and organizes a militia to fight against unfair laws or treatment by the ruling group
Resolve: To make a firm decision, decide on a course of action, or to settle on a solution to a problem or dispute
Resolutions: To make a firm decision to do or not to do something or to solve a problem or dispute
Revenue: Money made by a company, organization, nation, or state
Revolution: When the people of a nation overthrow their government and establish a new government
Riot: When a group of people uses violent behavior to show their anger or disapproval for something
Rebellion: When a group being ruled riots, loots, vandalizes, or shows violence to show anger over mistreatment by a ruling group or when a resistance group’s people or militia start using violence to resist the authority or control of the ruling group
Regulate: To supervise or control something
Reinforcements: Extra soldiers or militia sent to help a force that is fighting in a battle or war
Repealed: When a government takes away a law, tax, or legal agreement so that you no longer have to do it
Republic: A nation in which the people control their government by electing representatives to run the day to day affairs and to create and pass laws for the nation
Resistance: When several groups being ruled or governed by the same ruling group bans together and organizes a militia to fight against unfair laws or treatment by the ruling group
Resolve: To make a firm decision, decide on a course of action, or to settle on a solution to a problem or dispute
Resolutions: To make a firm decision to do or not to do something or to solve a problem or dispute
Revenue: Money made by a company, organization, nation, or state
Revolution: When the people of a nation overthrow their government and establish a new government
Riot: When a group of people uses violent behavior to show their anger or disapproval for something
Schooner: A sailing ship used usually for carrying people or cargo
Seize: To snatch away meanly or to take away ownership from someone else
Sequence: The order of algorithms and events in a program
Siege: A military operation in which enemy forces surround a town or building, cutting off essential supplies, so that the people of the town or building will surrender
Significance: The reasons why something is importance
Smuggling: To import or export goods illegally
Social Unrest: When a large group of people is unhappy with their government authority
Sovereignty: When a nation has no other nation ruling them; the authority of a nation to govern themselves
Surplus: More than what is needed or can be sold
Seize: To snatch away meanly or to take away ownership from someone else
Sequence: The order of algorithms and events in a program
Siege: A military operation in which enemy forces surround a town or building, cutting off essential supplies, so that the people of the town or building will surrender
Significance: The reasons why something is importance
Smuggling: To import or export goods illegally
Social Unrest: When a large group of people is unhappy with their government authority
Sovereignty: When a nation has no other nation ruling them; the authority of a nation to govern themselves
Surplus: More than what is needed or can be sold
Tariff: A tax on imports and exports
Tax: An amount of money paid by the people under a government to their government so that the government has revenue
Treason: A crime of betraying your country’s government
Treaty: A formal agreement between two or more nations
Truce: An agreement between enemies in a war to stop fighting for a certain amount of time
Tyranny: A government that is unfair and cruel
Tyrant: A ruler that is unfair and cruel
Tax: An amount of money paid by the people under a government to their government so that the government has revenue
Treason: A crime of betraying your country’s government
Treaty: A formal agreement between two or more nations
Truce: An agreement between enemies in a war to stop fighting for a certain amount of time
Tyranny: A government that is unfair and cruel
Tyrant: A ruler that is unfair and cruel
Unification: When the group being ruled or governed comes together to carry out a plan to end unfair, unjust, or cruel treatment from the ruling group
Variable: Any command, event, or algorithm where a choice must be made, but the choice does not change the final outcome for the program
Violated: To break a rule or fail to respect the rights a person
Violated: To break a rule or fail to respect the rights a person
War: When the group being ruled and the ruling group enter into an armed fight to determine who is in control
War Debt: The amount of money a nation borrows from other nations to pay for a war and is required to pay back with interest
War Debt: The amount of money a nation borrows from other nations to pay for a war and is required to pay back with interest
zealot: A person who has very strong opinions about something, and tries to make other people have them too