Design a water treatment system that produces clean water.
You are living in the zombie apocalypse. Together with a small group of survivors, you have found a small town, built a wall around it, and constructed a system of watch towers. For now, you are safe from zombies and rampaging human groups. Unfortunately, you now face a bigger problem - Lack of Clean Water! Without clean water, you will not survive!
Your town has a lake and a series of creeks and streams, so your problem is not fresh water. Your problem is that you have no water filtration system to filter and clean your water. Lake water is stagnant and can cause Water borne diseases such as dysentery, typhoid, and cholera. These are deadly diseases, especially without proper medical supplies. To compound the problem, the average person can only go three days without drinking clean water. After this dehydration sets in, causing severe headaches, dizziness, weakness, disorientation, and eventually, death.
It is of the upmost importance that your community develop an effective water filtration system. Time is running out! The community has put your team in charge of designing an effective water filtration system. The fate of the community is in your hands!
Your town has a lake and a series of creeks and streams, so your problem is not fresh water. Your problem is that you have no water filtration system to filter and clean your water. Lake water is stagnant and can cause Water borne diseases such as dysentery, typhoid, and cholera. These are deadly diseases, especially without proper medical supplies. To compound the problem, the average person can only go three days without drinking clean water. After this dehydration sets in, causing severe headaches, dizziness, weakness, disorientation, and eventually, death.
It is of the upmost importance that your community develop an effective water filtration system. Time is running out! The community has put your team in charge of designing an effective water filtration system. The fate of the community is in your hands!
Community 1: The Prairie Community
Community 2: The Desert Community
Community 3: The Jungle Community
Community 4: The Arctic Community
Community 5: The Forest Community
Community 6: The Coastal Community
Community 7: The Swamp Community
Community 8: The Mountain Community
There is not a moment to lose. First you need to do some research on clean water and water filtration. In this Research Challenge, you will have 30 minutes to explore research icons. These icons are links that will take you to videos, websites, and online interactives about Clean Water and Water Filtration Systems. Use the research organizer to Take Notes on what you find and to give your ideas for how you might design your community’s water filtration system.
Zombie Water System Research Organizer |
In this design challenge, you will receive a community bucket of materials. Make sure to keep all of your supplies in this bucket. Once you have received your instructions, You will have 30 minutes to complete this design challenge.
For this design challenge you and your group must design a water filtration system for your community. Using the knowledge you gained from your research and a list of supplies, you will draw your design and write an explanation of why you designed it this way. Get out the Zombie Apocalypse Water System Inventory & Design Organizer from your community bucket. Follow along as I go over the instructions. You will Use the organizer to guide you in Planning for the Materials and design of your system.
To create your filtration system, a scavenger scout will have to leave your fortified community and search for the necessary materials. You know of several close by places where you can scavenge for supplies. You created a list of items you know are available in each place. Each place has one of the items you need to create your water filtration system. These places are represented by the 5 scavenger boxes in the front of the room.
Each community group will get to choose one item from each box to create their water filtration system. Some of the items will work and others will not. You will need to use what you learned from your research to guide your choices. The only hint that you will get about the design is that box 1 will be items for the bottom layer of your filter, box 2 will be items for the second layer of your filter, box 3 will be items for the third layer of your filter, box 4 will be items for the top layer of your filter, and box 5 will be extra items used to help design your system.
Each community group will get to choose one item from each box to create their water filtration system. Some of the items will work and others will not. You will need to use what you learned from your research to guide your choices. The only hint that you will get about the design is that box 1 will be items for the bottom layer of your filter, box 2 will be items for the second layer of your filter, box 3 will be items for the third layer of your filter, box 4 will be items for the top layer of your filter, and box 5 will be extra items used to help design your system.
Before you can begin, you need to decide which community members will perform the following jobs:
The Scavenger Scout
The Scribe
The Engineer
The Builder
The Scavenger Scout
- The Scavenger Scout leaves the community and Retrieves the materials and supplies that the community needs. This person will retrieve the items from the Place Buckets.
The Scribe
- The Scribe keeps all the community records and inventory lists. This person will do the writing for the group.
The Engineer
- The engineer designs solutions to solve the community’s problems. The engineer will be in charge of drawing and labeling the picture diagram of your water filtration system.
The Builder
- The Builder constructs the engineer’s designs. The builder will be in charge of putting together the prototype or building the water filtration system.
Now that you have settled on jobs, you need to begin selecting materials and designing your Water Filtration System prototype. You will use the Zombie Apocalypse Water System Inventory & Design Organizer to guide you through the design process. First fill in your community number, member names and jobs. Then look at the Zombie Apocalypse Scavenger Inventory sheet for your community box. Make sure you have all the supplies. Then use the scavenger Place 1 list to complete the Box 1 section of the Zombie Apocalypse Water System Inventory & Design organizer. Complete the Box 2, 3, 4, and 5 sections of the organizer in the same way.
Zombie Water System Inventory |
Zombie Water System Design |
After you decide on materials, you will tell your engineer how to draw your design and label it. Then describe how it will work and why you think it will work.
In this building challenge, you will scavenge for materials and build your prototype. Make sure to keep all of your supplies in this bucket. Once you have received your instructions, You will have 30 minutes to complete this design challenge.
For this design challenge you and your group must build your water filtration system design using the materials you specified in your organizer.
In the building scenario, you will send out your scouts to scavenge for materials and then build the water filtration system you designed using those materials.
The scavenger scout from each group needs to bring up their organizer and draw a number. The number will determine the order you get your items from box 1. If someone takes the item that you wanted, you will choose your substitute item. If someone takes that item as well, you will choose an alternate item for the group. We will repeat the process for all the boxes.
Now you will use the materials to build your design. The builder will lead the construction of the project. Make sure that everyone participates in building. Keep all supplies in the bucket, including the filtration system.
All community buckets should have the following items. Please check your bucket for these items:
- (1) Container with Lid
- (1) Measuring Cup
- (1) Paper Plate
- (1) Water Bottle
- (1) Plastic Fancy Cup
- (1) Clip Board
- (4) Pencils
- (1) Clipboard
- (1) Zombie Apocalypse Water System Research Organizer
- (1) Zombie Apocalypse Inventory List
- (1) Zombie Apocalypse Water System Inventory Organizer
- (1) Zombie Apocalypse Water System Design Organizer
- (4) Scissors
Scavenge Area 1:
In the first scavenger area or in scavenger box 1, you will have the following items to choose from.
Scavenge Area 2:
In the second scavenger area or in scavenger box 2, you will have the following items to choose from.
Scavenge Area 3:
In the third scavenger area or in scavenger box 3, you will have the following items to choose from.
Scavenge Area 4:
In the fourth scavenger area or in scavenger box 4, you will have the following items to choose from.
Scavenge Area 5:
In the fifth scavenger area or in scavenger box 5, you will have the following items to choose from.
Whole Class Materials:
These supplies will be available for everyone in the class:
In this survival challenge, you will test your Water Filtration System prototype. Make sure to keep all of your supplies in your bucket including your filtration prototype. Once you have received your instructions, You will have 30 minutes to complete this design challenge.
For this challenge you and your group must test your water filtration system prototype.
In this survival scenario, you and your group must test your water filtration system prototype before people can start drinking the water in your community. After you have determined whether your prototype was a success or failure, you will have a community council meeting to discuss why you think it was successful or why you think it was unsuccessfuL.
Your builder will bring your container to community lake, represented by my two large containers of lake water. You will draw water from the lake and take it back to your filtration system. Slowly pour in the water. Keep pouring until the bottle fills. Watch the water filter out. Talk with your group about whether or not the water looks any cleaner.
When you have finished your visual test and have had water accumulate in your cup from the filter, raise your hands. I will bring you a test kit and show you how to test your water for Bacteria, lead, iron, copper, pH, hardness, alkalinity, nitrites & nitrates & chlorine. You will record your results on your Water Analysis Sheet.
Your Zombie Community Water Analysis.pdf |
In this challenge, you will determine if you were successful in creating a water filtration system therefore surviving the Zombie Apocalypse.
For this challenge, you will use the Other Communities Water Analysis Organizer to evaluate the success of your water filtration system. Then you will meet with surrounding surviving communities to gain ideas for improvement.
In this reflection scenario, you and your group will continue to reflect upon the success or failure of your water filtration system as you venture out and meet with other survival communities. Sharing your success will ensure the survival of the human race. Learning from other communities will help you design a better filtration system and ensure the survival of your community.
For Community visits, you will meet with the other five communities to share your success or learn from your failure. I will assign you a community to meet with for each rotation. There will be 10 minutes for each community meeting so stay on task. Use the Graphic Organizer to answer the questions about the community that you are meeting with. After 10 minutes, you will go back to your community for a community council meeting.
For Community Council Meetings, you will take the information that you wrote down about the other community and evaluate what you learned from them. You will answer the questions on the graphic organizer to guide you through the reflection. You will only have 10 minutes to finish your community council meetings for each rotation, so stay on task!
Rotation 1
Rotation 2
Rotation 3
- Community 1 meets with Community 6 at community 6.
- Community 2 meets with Community 5 at community 2.
- Community 3 meets with Community 4 at community 4.
Rotation 2
- Community 1 meets with Community 4 at community 1.
- Community 2 meets with Community 6 at community 6.
- Community 3 meets with Community 5 at community 3.
Rotation 3
- Community 1 meets with Community 5 at community 1.
- Community 2 meets with Community 4 at community 4.
- Community 3 meets with Community 6 at community 6.
Other Communities Zombie Analysis |
For this federation meeting, you will all meet as a federation to discuss what you learned from each other.