The Players in Cyberbullying

The first things you need to realize is that when cyberbullying happens, there are several types of people involved. First, there is the cyberbully. This person is the one hurting others online. Secondly, there is the target. This is the person who is being cyberbullied. Then, there is the observer. The observer is someone who sees that someone is being cyberbullied. The observer takes on one of three roles. They are a bystander, a co-bully, or an upstander. If an observer is a bystander, they see that someone is being cyberbullied and do nothing to help the target. If the observer is a co-bully, they see that someone is being cyberbullied and join the cyberbully in hurting the target. If the observer is an upstander, they see that someone is being cyberbullied and stand up for the target against the cyberbully.
Types of Cyberbulling
Now that you know the people involved, you need to be able to identify cyberbullying. Cyberbullying comes in many forms. Let's look at a few of these.
Why Do People Cyberbully Anyway?
So far, you have learned about the people involved in a cyberbullying situation and different types of cyberbullying. Now, let's dive into why people cyberbully others.
What Can You Do If You Are the Target of Cyberbullying?
Understanding who is involved in cyberbullying, the types of cyberbullying, and the reasons why people cyberbully will help you to stand up for yourself and others against cyberbullies. There are several things you can do if you are the target of cyberbullying.
What Do You Do If You Observe Cyberbullying?
If you see someone being cyberbullied, take a stand! Don't be a bystander! Here are some things you can do to be an upstander.
Now, you are going to show what you know. You will create a comic strip about a cyberbullying situation. Make sure that those who read your comic strip can identify one type of cyberbullying and how either the targeted person or an upstander stood up to the cyberbully.
Click on the Pixton link below. The information to login is on the board. Watch the brief tutorial and get started. If you do not finish today, you may work on these anytime you like at home. When you finish, I will post your work in a gallery!
Click on the Pixton link below. The information to login is on the board. Watch the brief tutorial and get started. If you do not finish today, you may work on these anytime you like at home. When you finish, I will post your work in a gallery!
Original Lesson by April Smith
Constructed to meet:
Constructed to meet:
- Alabama Digital Learning and Computer Science Recurring Standard 2 - Recognize and demonstrate age-appropriate responsible use of digital devices and resources as outlined in school/district rules.